John 11:25-26.

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die, and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.

Before Easter, an observance of Ash Wednesday signifies the celebration of public penance. Ash Wednesday means the beginning of Lent is about to start. Many believers go to Christian churches to get Ashes mark on their foreheads. And many of those with Ashes on their foreheads go fasting, give up on eating chocolates, not eating meat, no luxurious shopping and etch. Believers who make Lenten Sacrifice and give up on something crucial to their daily life have a massive impact on people’s belief in Ash Wednesday, which fulfills its purpose in faith once it’s celebrated and feels spiritually connected when Easter Sunday comes.


photo credit to Holy Blog

For many, Easter symbolizes faith in Christianity, a tradition and belief that lead to Jesus’ resurrection, which is the beginning of shining days after darkness. More than 90 countries continue to celebrate Easter worldwide, following the verses of the bibble and exercising or Re-Enacting how Jesus died. 

Ash-Wednesday Feb-22-2023

St.Thomas Parish

Easter in the Philippines is a huge long weekend celebration. The Easter tradition goes way back to when the Spanish colonized the Philippines and turned the Philippines into a Catholic religious religion in the country. Holy Week/Mahal na Araw (Tagalog), or Semana Santa in Spanish, is a crucial long weekend celebration in the Philippines. The festival started on a Palm Sunday when a Catholic Priest blessed a branch of Palm, and believers took it home with them to hang the Palm on their front door as a belief to turn the evil spirits away from their homes.

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Holy Monday to Holy Wednesday

The long weekend celebration is right after Palm Sunday. Holy Monday to Holy Wednesday are considered holy days when Catholics pray following the stations of the cross.

Maunday Thursday and Good Friday

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are the Public Holidays in the Philippines to exercise the solemn faith of the devotees. Also, Good Friday is assumed to be when Jesus Christ died and was crucified. To conceptualize the history of when Jesus died, many Filipinos commemorate the day when Jesus sacrificed his life and died on the cross under the hands of the society who believe that Jesus Christ committed the crime of Blasphemy. 

Photo Credit to the owner

Enabling to continue the tradition and the culture of Easter in the Philippines. Pampanga is one of the provinces still practicing, re-enacting history, and recognizing the benefit of nailing themselves on the cross as a symbol of sacrifice to pay for what Jesus Christ died on the cross to save the world. To elaborate further, Good Friday in the Philippines is a massive sacrifice for those devotees who freely intend to nail their hands and feet on the Cross. The Devotee’s beliefs are respected with their various sentiments, which signify their faith in Christianity and religion.

Photo Credit to the Owner Easter 2023 Philippines
Photo Credit to the Owner Easter 2023 Philippines

Black saturday

Black Saturday in the Philippines is the mourning celebration for the devotees in the country. However, some believers have their various ways of how commemorating Black Saturday. Whether staying at home quietly, pasting, or for some believers going on holidays is their way to celebrate Easter. To each their own!

Easter Sunday the Day of Jesus Christ Resurrection

Easter Sunday, the day of Jesus Christ’s resurrection, is the biggest celebration in the Philippines. The festival is for Jesus’ Resurrection, which symbolizes a miracle with a promising future for all who believe in him. Most people attend Easter Sunday‘s mass followed by a celebration get-together in their homes, picnics by the beach, singing karaoke, and various Filipino food on the table. 

St.Thomas Parish in Prague

Easter Sunday is the final Ester celebration in the Philippines, and Monday is back to everyday life, with work and being a public figure. 

Photo Credit to Tatler Filipino Foods in HK
Photo Credit to Bria Homes Filipino Food Ideas

 Through the balance of the Easter tradition in the Philippines, we must be reminded to consider the risk of re-enacting when Jesus dies. Jesus Christ wants his followers to elaborate and know the difference between what is right and wrong. To avoid becoming a sinner, to live in harmony and peace, and to follow His 10-Commandments written in the bible, and shall exercise His holly commands in our daily lives. On the other hand, remember that the Catholic Church prompted the Devotees not to put Devotee’s lives at risk by nailing themselves on the cross due to various possibilities of complications that could harm the Devotees’ lives. 

Have a safe happy Easter everyone,

Easter in Prague, 2022

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