St. Thomas Church in Prague is a beautiful and historic church that has been welcoming the faithful for over 800 years. And for the Filipino community in Prague, it’s a place where they can come together to celebrate their faith and their culture.

Every Sunday at 2 pm, St. Thomas Church holds a Mass that is specifically tailored to the Filipino community. The Mass is celebrated in English and Tagalog, making it accessible to all members of the community. The service is also accompanied by Filipino hymns and music, adding a touch of familiarity and comfort for those far from home.

But the Mass is not just a religious service – it’s also a chance for the Filipino community to come together and support one another. Many members of the community attend the Mass regularly and have formed close bonds with each other. Newcomers are always welcome and can expect a warm and friendly atmosphere.

After the Mass, members of the community often gather outside the church to chat and catch up. There may even be food and refreshments available, as the community often brings snacks to share with each other.

Attending the Sunday Mass at St. Thomas Church is not only a chance to worship and connect with fellow Filipinos, but also an opportunity to explore and appreciate the beauty and history of Prague. The church is located in the heart of the city, just a short walk from many of Prague’s most famous landmarks.

So if you’re a member of the Filipino community in Prague, or just looking to experience a different kind of Sunday Mass, we highly recommend attending the service at St. Thomas Church. You’ll be welcomed with open arms and can expect a meaningful and uplifting experience.

Please bring your beautiful smile and support us 🙂

Join us every Sunday at 2 pm for the Holy Mass at Church St. Thomas in Prague! We welcome the Filipino community to come together in faith and fellowship. Come and experience the warmth and hospitality of our church family. See you there!

Our Father P. Imman Abellana, OSA. : A Pillar of Support for the Filipino Community in Prague

For many years now, Father Emmanuel has been a source of strength and guidance for the Filipino community in Prague. Every Sunday from 2 pm, he presides over the mass at the Church of St. Thomas, providing comfort and spiritual nourishment to Filipinos living in the Czech Republic.

Father Emmanuel’s kindness, compassion, and generosity have made him a beloved figure in the Filipino community. He has dedicated himself to serving the needs of Filipinos, helping them navigate the challenges of life in a foreign country, and providing them with a sense of community and belonging.

From offering financial advice to organizing cultural events and celebrations, Father Emmanuel has been an invaluable resource for the Filipino community. His commitment to helping others has not gone unnoticed, and the community has responded by showing him their love and gratitude.

To Father Emmanuel, we offer our sincerest thanks and deepest appreciation. Your dedication to the Filipino community in Prague is truly inspiring, and we are blessed to have you as our spiritual guide and mentor. May God bless you always.

Facebook  Filipino Catholic Community (FCC) here

Church of St Thomas website here

Photo from here